(Registration For New Membership)
Pay yearly
Regularly engaged in, or identified with, transportation, supply chain, or logistics services, and whose office or principal place of business is located within a 75-mile radius from the DFW Airport
Pay yearly
Regularly engaged in, or identified with, transportation, supply chain, or logistics services, and whose office or principal place of business is located outside a 75-mile radius from the DFW Airport.
Professional Individual
Pay yearly
An applicant under 35 years of age, who is regularly engaged in, or identified with transportation or logistic services (no restriction to office location or principal place of business).
Qualifying Vendor
Pay yearly
Selling a product directly related to or benefiting transportation, logistics, and/or supply chain companies.
- Engineering & Design firms
- Law firms
- Insurance Brokers
- CPA’s
- Commercial Lenders
- Commercial Real Estate Brokers
- Industry Consultants
- Technology Providers
- Industry-specific Recruiters
- Any business-to-consumer (B2C) companies
- Personal bankers
- Residential real estate agents
- Wealth Management Advisors
- Marketing firms
- Payment processing companies
Corporate Membership
Pay yearly
It simplifies billing – rather than receiving separate dues invoices for all individuals who are members from a company, the company will receive one invoice. Advertising – all Corporate Members will receive the following:
- Company Profile on TCDFW Website – Includes logo, short bio about company & link to website
- Company Logo on TCDFW Website Homepage – Logo included in scrolling banner
- Recognition in Newsletter – Logo included on sidebar & linked to company website
- Company Spotlight in Newsletter – An article dedicated to your company in one issue of newsletter
- Company Spotlight on TCDFW Social Media Pages – One Company Spotlight posted to TCDFW’s Social Media pages (LinkedIn and Facebook)
- Opportunity to Host a Webinar – One 60-minute webinar promoted to all TCDFW members & contacts. Topic can be selected by company, but must be approved by TCDFW.
- Exhibit Table at Career Fair – Includes 6 ft. table
- Recognition at TCDFW Events – Company recognized on sign near the registration desk. Note: Marquis annual event sponsorship and advertisement is not included with Corporate Memberships – separate sponsorship opportunities for those are available.